Engineering ecology

Short description of the program

Principles, priorities and strategies of sustainable development of ecosystems and society; anthropogenic impact of chemical industry production facilities on the environment; methods and forms of engineering production management, development and improvement of engineering and technical means of environmental protection; basic methods of modeling chemical-technological processes, their analysis and description.


Formation of skills of planning and management of engineering activities in the sphere of environmental management at chemical industry enterprises

Results of training:

  • Implements a strategy for sustainable development of ecosystems and society;
  • Utilizes the concepts of low-waste and zero-waste technologies in the engineering activities of chemical plants;
  • Recommends treatment facilities, dust collection and gas purification plants to chemical enterprises;
  • Makes engineering decisions on environmental management of chemical enterprises;
  • Selects methods and technology of industrial wastewater treatment and purification processes;
  • Uses the basic provisions of modeling in the development of economically beneficial and environmentally safe technologies;
  • Optimizes technological control of processes and equipment for production and processing of organic substances.


  • Sustainable Development of Ecosystems and Society - 5 academic credits
  • Environmental Engineering - 5academiccredits
  • Industrial Wastewater Treatment Methods - 5 academic credits
  • Modeling of Technological Processes of Chemical Productions - 5 academic credits                 
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